More Than 25g Saffron Pack: Investing in the red gold
Berhang can also provide you with packages that are heavier than 25 grams. These packages are a perfect choice for people who use saffron regularly. It also has high demand in the market because it’s a good investment.
More than 25g Saffron packs are also created to protect saffron from sunlight and high any polluted fragments in the air. All stages of harvesting, storage, and packaging undergo rigorous processes monitored by experts and specialists at Navid Saffron Khorasan Razavi Company.
The saffron used in this pack is called: “Sargol saffron”, definitely one of the best types of saffron in the world.
Who is the Biggest Importer of Saffron?
Spain imports saffron more than any other country. Next on the list are UAE, US, Italy and India. One of Spain’s main saffron suppliers is Iran, because of its great quality and price.
There are many reasons why Saffron is in high demand in Spain. For example, Spain receives lots of tourists every year and has one of Europe’s best tourist industries. Another example is that a lot of Spanish dishes have saffron as an ingredient.
Which Country is the Best to Buy Saffron?
Iran is The Global Leader in Saffron Production. Iranian saffron is preferred for its authenticity and purity. Iran is the undisputed leader in saffron production. It accounts for about 90% of the world’s saffron supply. The country’s ideal climate, combined with traditional cultivation techniques, ensures that Iranian saffron is the finest available.
Iranian saffron is known for its deep red color and strong aroma. The saffron threads from Iran are typically longer and more potent.
Due to the large scale of production, Iranian saffron often comes at a lower price compared to other regions, making it a popular choice for many buyers.
How to Spot Fake Saffron?
There are many tests to check if the saffron you are using is real, for Example, put a few threads of saffron in cold water and after a few seconds take it and gently rub it on your fingers. Real saffron keeps its shape and turns your finger yellow or light orange, but the fake one is going to lose the shape and turn your fingers dark red.
The other test you can conduct is the taste. Put some saffron threads in your mouth. The real saffron is going to taste sweet, but the fake will taste metallic and bitter.
More than 25 g Saffron Pack Options
25g Saffron pack
The 25g Behrang pack is delicately boxed in a 7 x 17 x 4 package. This pack is designed with beautiful details with gorgeous saffron drawing in front and golden on the bottom side.

50g Saffron pack
The 50g Behrang pack is boxed in a 7 x 17 x 4 cm package. This pack is designed with beautiful details with gorgeous saffron drawing in front and silver on the bottom side.

100g Saffron pack
The 100g Behrang pack is meticulously packed in a 10 x 10 x 17 cm box. This package has a tin container that can withstand pressure.

200g Saffron pack
The 200g pack has two different types of packaging to choose depending on your desire.
Behrang has a 200 g pack with dimensions of 10 × 10 × 17.5 cm. This pack has a tin container that holds saffron safe from harm.
We also have a 200 g pack with dimensions of 10.5 × 10.5 × 24 cm. This pack has a clear pet jar with a silver lid. It also keeps the products safe from harm and looks good on the shelf.

400g Saffron pack
The 400g Behrang pack is packaged in an 11.5 x 17 x 24 cm box.

500g Saffron pack
The 500g pack has two different types of packaging to choose depending on your desire.
Behrang has a 500 g package with the sizes of 14 × 14 × 28 cm. This pack has a clear pet jar with a silver lid. It also keeps the products safe from harm.
We also have a 200 g pack with dimensions of 22.5 × 22.5 × 11.5 cm. This pack has a metal can that protects your product for a long time.

600g Saffron pack
600g saffron pack is packaged with care in a 22.5 × 22.5 × 11.5 cm box. The metal can that keeps the saffron has been proven to keep it safe.